3 reasons to use the postbiotic ingredient LBiome™ in your product developments

postbiotic ingredient

When developing a new product, it is essential to choose innovative, trendy ingredients, fitting consumers demand. It can be complex, when you know the multitude of possibilities that are available to you. In this article, we explain the 3 reasons why LBiome™ is the postbiotic ingredient to choose for your product development. Trends in biotics, growth segments, technicality: we take a look!

1. Be part of the trends and news with a postbiotic ingredient

Biotics and microbiome: a therapeutic revolution

As for terrestrial biodiversity, the stakes on “microbiodiversity” are high and will guide innovations around the health for future generations. Indeed, the effect of our intestinal microbiota on our health is significant. This paves the way to a whole new therapeutic era. Thus, biotics revolution offers great opportunities for the world of food & food supplements.

Indeed, we are witnessing the development of products based on biotics in areas such as human diet, petfood, beverages, nutraceuticals…

A need to innovate to stand out

In those growing and competitive markets, it is essential to innovate to both differentiate from competitors and meet consumer demand. Today’s consumer is informed and more and more involved in his health looking for new products. Biotics are a choice solution to stand out, and especially our postbiotic ingredient

Postbiotics, an innovative trend

Postbiotics are in the spotlight. Recently, ISAPP, International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics, has published a consensus on the definition of postbiotics. A definition that allows the market to structure itself and to shed light on this category of ingredients. As a result, curiosity and interest about postbiotics are increasing. Indeed, Google searches have increased by 1300%.

2. Position yourself in high-performance segments

Postbiotics provide various health benefits. Our ingredient is positioned on current consumer challenges: digestive health and immunity. Let’s see what the benefits of LBiome™ are on these challenges.

Helps protect the gut from undesirable bacteria

LBiome™ helps neutralize undesirable bacteria in the gut. Moreover, it contains anti-bacterial compounds that inhibit disease-causing bacteria. Finally, it creates a protective biofilm that helps protect the gut from undesirable invasive bacteria.

Protects, supports, and strengthens tight junctions

LBiome™ protects tight junctions to maintain barrier integrity. Indeed, the intestinal epithelium restricts free passage of toxic and infectious molecules. Thus, a loss of tight junction barrier function enhances the progression of the inflammatory bowel disease¹.

Works with the host microbiome to improve gut health and immunity

Our ingredient helps beneficial gut bacterial flourish. Indeed, compounds produced by microbiota stimulation, such as short-chain fatty acids, are key regulators of gastrointestinal health by modulating the immune system. Thus, LBiome™ might stimulate the immune system and helps fight against undesirable microorganisms.

3. Take advantage of a technically superior postbiotic ingredient

Many biotic solutions have been designed to improve the microbiota. But only LBiome™ is technically superior.

A unique and patented process: the ECHO process

LBiome™ is manufactured through a unique and proprietary process. Indeed, the ECHO process is a combination of fermentation, heat treatment and drying process that allows our ingredient to be stable. As a dry powder, our ingredient is adapted to many manufacturing processes and harsh environments. Thus, it is easy to incorporate into any food, beverage, or dietary supplement.

Finally, because it does not require to be stored in a cold place, LBiome™ is ideal for applications in countries where maintaining the cold chain can be challenging.

Lactobacillus LB, a recognized solution

LBiome™ contains Lactobacillus LB, a combination of 2 strains (L.fermentum and L. delbrueckii) and the fermented culture medium. This solution has been thoroughly researched: to date, almost 50 studies demonstrate the effects of Lactobacillus LB.

Lactobacillus LB is a useful postbiotic used in case/ for of digestive disorders in more than 35 countries in the world. Moreover, it is one of the 4 strains recommended in 2014 by ESPGHAN (European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition).

A safe ingredient

As a postbiotic, there is no known risk of translocation from gut lumen to blood, especially in vulnerable subjects. Moreover, unlike probiotics, there is no known risk of acquisition or retransfer of antibiotic resistance genes.

In this biotics revolution era, our postbiotic ingredient seem to be a health game changer. LBiome™,available for a wide range of products, meets your demands and those of consumers.

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¹Edelblum K.L., Turner J.R., The Tight Junction in Inflammatory Disease: Communication Breakdown. Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2009 Dec; 9(6): 715–720.